
Create a collection


To create a collection, you need a destination that contains visualizations. This destination will be copied inside the collection and will serve as the collection template.

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Create a collection

To create a collection, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the destination three dots menu. You will then be directed to the collection creation page.
  2. Select the dashboard that contains your primary filter(s)
  3. Select your one or multiple primary filter(s)
  4. Once you've selected all the variants you need, click Next
  5. Finally, you will be able to review all your configurations. When you're ready, click Create collection.
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Once your collection is created, you can start generating new variants.

Add variants to a collection

To add variants to your collection, follow these steps:

  1. Open your collection and click Add variants
  2. Select all the variants you want to create
  3. Click Add to collection

The variants creation process will shortly start, and your variants will soon appear inside your collection. When adding new variants to your collection, Rollstack does the following:

  1. Generate variants based on that template by first, duplicating it.
  2. For each variant, applies the primary and secondary filters to the visualizations' data accordingly.
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All the files will be placed in your OneDrive or Google Drive in an organized manner.

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Collection settings

Apart from the primary filters, most of the collection's settings can be configured either during creation or later by accessing the collection settings tab.

Primary filters are the only mandatory field in the collection creation process.

Primary filters

Primary filters are filters that are going to be used to define your variants' data. For most cases, you will only need one primary filter, but you can also select up to 3 primary filters. In case multiple filters are selected, each variant will be defined by the combination of these filters.

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Secondary filters

Secondary filters are all the filters that are not primary filters with regards to your collection, but that you still want your collection users to set when creating new variants.

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Filters dependency

In the case you selected multiple filters as primary or secondary filters, you can tell Rollstack if these filters depend on each other. When enabled, Rollstack will automatically find dependent values.

Enabling filter dependency will also introduce a slight loading time when adding variants.

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Filters matching

Enable this option to make filter names case-insensitive. When enabled, Rollstack will match filter names across all visualizations, ignoring differences in letter casing.

For example, filters like Customer and customer will be considered equivalent.

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Primary filters swap

When creating a new variant, Rollstack first duplicates the template, then changes the data in the variant's visualizations, by applying a different primary filter value or "swapping" the visualizations filter. This setting allows you to define which visualizations should be impacted by the primary filter(s) value swap. This is useful if you want to exclude some visualizations from the primary filter's swap.

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Rollstack determines if a filter can be applied to your visualizations based on the filters' names. By default, all visualizations where these filters are applied are subject to the primary filter swap (checked by default).

Handling of empty visualizations

In some cases, some visualizations do not have data related to a certain filter value/set of filter values. Rollstack allows you to set a behavior depending on your use case:

  • Push the visualization if it does not have associated data
  • Not push the visualization to the variant
  • Hide the visualization's slide (only in the case of presentations)
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Variants naming

You can define a naming convention for all the variants that will be created. Select one of these options:

  • Use the name as it appears in the filter
  • Add a prefix to the original destination name
  • Add a suffix to the original destination name
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Archive folder location

You can choose to store archived files in a separate folder. When enabled, the archived files from Recreate Variants and Archive and Update will be stored in a separate folder.

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Files location

You can define the folder in Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive where the collection should be created. If no value is set, the collection will be created in your drive's home folder by default.

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