Only a Looker Admin can complete the following steps. If you are not an Admin you can invite the appropriate person to your Rollstack organization to complete the configuration.
We support Looker Version 23 and above.
In your Looker admin page, go to Embed

Copy this URL: https://*.rollstack.com then add it to the Embedded domain allowlist

Finally, generate an embed secret and copy the value

Head back to Rollstack:
Open the Data sources page
Click on Add data source
Select Looker
If you are an admin, click Yes then follow the detailed instructions
This section describes how you can administrate your user attributes.
If your user attributes is not hidden it will automatically propagate to our connection and no action item is required on your end.
However, if you are using hidden user attributes and if those user attributes are needed to execute queries or display visualizations, it is necessary to provide the name and the value of the attributes
You can set both global and user-specific user attributes
If you set the name and/or value user attributes, these will automatically propagate to all users.
If you don't want to have common values for all users, we suggest only setting the name with an empty value

You can also override the globally set user attributes by providing user attributes values for each user. To do so:
Open the Data source user management page
Choose your user and Click on Modify
Set new user attributes
You do not need admin credentials to set up and test the connection, but we highly recommend inviting a Looker admin to manage your data source. Only Looker admins can create API keys for individual accounts. Looker admin can even use non-admin API keys to test the connection in the admin settings.
However, we highly recommend using admin credentials during the connection testing step. This will make the integration work seamlessly. For example, API keys don't necessarily propagate all user authorizations.