Only a Metabase Admin can complete the following steps. If you are not an Admin you can invite the appropriate person to your Rollstack organization to complete the configuration.
We support Looker Version 0.40 and above.
In your Metabase admin page, go to Embedding and enable embedding
Go to More details
Generate an Embedding secret key and copy the value
Head back to Rollstack:
Open the Data sources page
Click on Add data source
Select Metabase
If you are an admin, click Yes then follow the detailed instructions
For this data source, each user will need to enter their own username and password in their Rollstack account.
if you are unable to see one or more filters, it probably means that the filters are locked. Please follow this documentation to unlock the missing filters
For each Metabase dashboard you want to use within Rollstack, you will need to enable Embed option in Metabase.
To do so, follow these steps:
Click on your dashboard
Click on the Sharing button
Click on the Set up button under the Embed in your application section
Finally, click Publish