



Rollstack allows you to automatically send your files to a specific audience by email.

To do so, you need to head to the Sending tab within your destination.

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Then, you will have a list of options:

  • Recipients: list of emails to send the destination to
  • Recipient Grouping: if enabled, it will send one single email to all recipients. Otherwise, it will send one email per recipient.
  • Email Template: Select the Rollstack Default Template or create your own using our email editor.
  • Sharing Format: You can share the file link or send a PDF.
  • Trigger after every successful update: If enabled, an email, whether scheduled or manual, will be automatically sent to the recipient after every full successful update.

Email templates

By default, Emails are sent using a default Rollstack template.

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However, you also have the option to create a custom email template

To do so, click the Add a template button

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You can define all parameters of the email in this email editor:

  • Name of the template
  • Email Subject
  • Email body
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