
Destination settings


Each destination has a settings tab, allowing you to configure various options such as how the destination is updated and how the visualizations are added.

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Update method

This setting controls your destination update method: each time an update runs on your destination, it will follow this configuration.

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  1. Update same file: The same file is updated with the latest data
  2. Archive & Update:
    1. The old content is archived & stored in your drive - An archive timestamp will be appended.
    2. The main file will be updated with the latest data

When you select Archive & Update as the update method, if an update fails (e.g., at least one visualization fails), the archival process will be canceled to prevent any data corruption in your historical files.

If you select Archive & Update please make sure to select the folder location in the Folder location section to ensure that all archives are generated in the same folder

More information in the Folder location section


You can configure automatic updates on a schedule by enabling Scheduling.

  • Start Date: The first scheduled update date.
  • End Date: The date after which the scheduled updates end.
  • Schedule Frequency: daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly.
  • Schedule Time: Time of the update (in local time).

IIf you set an end date, updates will stop before that date. For example, if your start date is January 1 and your end date is January 2 with daily updates, the last update will be on January 1. No updates will run on January 2.

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In case a schedule fails (e.g. at least one visualization fails) you will receive an automatic email with the details of the failures.

Folder location

You can change the location of the file by selecting the new parent folder.

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For Google destinations, the initial folder location should be empty given that we can't access the parent folder unless you explicitly select it in the Drive Picker

Link on images

When you add a Rollstack visualization to your destination, these visualizations are added as images. All destination platforms allow you to link URLs to these images.

In this section you can choose between these 3 options:

  • No link: No link is added to your destination.
  • Link to Rollstack visualization settings: A link is added linking to the visualization page in Rollstack.
  • Link to visualization's dashboard: A link is added redirecting to the visualization parent dashboard in the BI application.
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Default cropping value

This configuration allows you to set the default crop value for all newly added visualizations in this destination. 2 options are available:

  • No Crop
  • Automatic Crop
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Updated 29 Jul 2024
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